• Achak
  • mairie Bayeux 1981
  • Kaboul
  • Paris 1981

Biography Jean-Marie DAILLET

Biography: Mr. Jean-Marie DAILLET is a French political personality, born November 29, 1929 in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine).

French parliamentarian Deputy from 1973 to 1993 of the Government of the Fifth Republic, political group UDF then UDC, first constituency of the Channel.

Elected successively from the Democratic Center, the UDF (Center for Social Democrats) and the Union Center Group. He was then appointed Ambassador of France to Bulgaria. (more…)

mountains of Afghanistan

Author Monsieur DAILLET Dominique

the mountains of Afghanistan of more than 6000 meters of altitude, taken from the plane of Air France, in 2016.

ode for Paris




Cute, let’s go visit Paris,
There are corners of paradise.
Cool darling, I’m waiting for your sms,
You and Paris, my most beautiful goddesses.

Cute, let’s go visit Paris,
There are corners of paradise.
See you in Italy,
Let’s dance the Avionette de Paris.

Cute, let’s go visit Paris,
There are corners of paradise.
On the place Victor Hugo,
We will all dance tango.


Remembering the American soldiers who died for the freedom and the counterterrorism of Afghanistan: a Memorial Stele in Kabul


A magnificent stele park, flowers, fountains, birds

Image of ancient Egypt. Birds in a beautiful acacia. This painting is coming from a tomb of Beni-Hassan. Twelfth dynasty..

«Your sons and daughters who fell on our soil, are also our children» Mohammad Hanif Atmar, Advisor for National Security, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the BBC, 14 November 2014

AM.AF.AF internationale.

French Association of Friends of Afghans and Afghanistan

Association registered under the French Law of Associations (1901) on 10 September 1979


La banque postale, Iban FR09/ 2004/1010/0404/7310/9M02/596/PSSTFRPP DIJ.

Paiement en ligne sur le site : http://www.assoamafaf.com

Courriel : amafaf@orange.fr

2, rue des Corroyeurs, B.P. J3, 21068 DIJON-FRANCE    

+33 380 374 564    


Honorary president: Jean-Marie Daillet, honorary Deputy of the French National Assembly, former Ambassador of France

We would like to invite you to the unveiling of a memorial stele in a garden in Kabul.

Yes, I wish to take part and to make a contribution to help this project……………..€


Address :……………………………………………………………………………

E-mail ………………………………………..

I wish to make a contribution to help Afghanistan…………..………€

A beautiful monument in Kabul

A beautiful monument in Kabul

the French soldiers and other nations have fallen for freedom.

محمدحنیف اتمر، مشاور امنیت ملی افغانستان نیز از فداکاری نیروهای بین‌المللی در این کشور ستایش کرد و گفت:”فراموش نمی‌کنیم که پسران و دختران شما در خاک ما کشته شدند، آنان فرزندان ما هم‌هستند.”

declaration newspaper BBC .12.2014

Mohammad Hanif Atmar, adviser to the Afghan national security welcomed the commitment of the international forces in the country and said: “do not forget that your son and daughters were killed on our soil, they are our children”

declaration newspaper BBC .12.2014

letters to political

AM.AF.AF. Internationale

Association française des amis des Afghans et de l’Afghanistan

Association humanitaire loi de 1901 Déclarée le 10 09 1979   CCP N°4 731 09 M DIJON

  2, rue des Corroyeurs, B.P. J3, 21068 DIJON-France  


Courriel     amafaf@orange.fr       http://www.assoamafaf.com

   Auxonne le 25/02/2015


Please find enclosed our call for solidarity in Kabul to build a memorial stone to the French soldiers who died for freedom and the fight against religious fanaticism that has struck at the heart of the capital.

Since the invasion of Afghanistan, we have continued to warn our fellow citizens of the danger of fanaticism that originated in Afghanistan with al-Qaeda camps.

In 12 years of war more than sixty thousand of our compatriots left in Afghanistan, many are injured for life and many have fallen.

Thank you in advance for informing voters of our call sign of solidarity and of course the families and friends of our fallen heroes.

I would be honored to meet you video conference using Skype Contact: Essacq Baloutch.


Remaining at your disposal, believe Madam Senator to my highest consideration.


For Jean-Marie DAILLET

Baloutch Essacq Association President

I help Afghans

Yes I help Afghans.

 I make a donation of:  15 euros   30 euros 45 euros   other ……

First Name ……………………………………………… .. ……………………………
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………

 I wish to receive a receipt
 I wish to receive information on AM. AF.AF.
 I want to receive postcards templates.
 I organize a conference on Afghanistan.

Your donations are tax deductible within the limits set by law.

download and print the form to donate.

Mrs Fourcade

Marie Madeleine Fourcade, leader of one of the largest networks of resistance in France and Jean Marie Daillet the Afghan resistance received for mayor of Bayeux in 1981 (newspaper west France)
