letters to political

AM.AF.AF. Internationale

Association française des amis des Afghans et de l’Afghanistan

Association humanitaire loi de 1901 Déclarée le 10 09 1979   CCP N°4 731 09 M DIJON

  2, rue des Corroyeurs, B.P. J3, 21068 DIJON-France  


Courriel     amafaf@orange.fr       http://www.assoamafaf.com

   Auxonne le 25/02/2015


Please find enclosed our call for solidarity in Kabul to build a memorial stone to the French soldiers who died for freedom and the fight against religious fanaticism that has struck at the heart of the capital.

Since the invasion of Afghanistan, we have continued to warn our fellow citizens of the danger of fanaticism that originated in Afghanistan with al-Qaeda camps.

In 12 years of war more than sixty thousand of our compatriots left in Afghanistan, many are injured for life and many have fallen.

Thank you in advance for informing voters of our call sign of solidarity and of course the families and friends of our fallen heroes.

I would be honored to meet you video conference using Skype Contact: Essacq Baloutch.


Remaining at your disposal, believe Madam Senator to my highest consideration.


For Jean-Marie DAILLET

Baloutch Essacq Association President