Road without borders

Madam, Sir, dear friends,

Road safety and the environment concerns us all, parents, children and future generations, which is why the Association “Route Sans Frontière” works to bring concrete solutions in France but also in other countries, especially in Afghanistan.

Waste is unfortunately too present in our landscapes, our planet is in danger!

There is no school of good citizenship, irresponsible driving not only threatens the environment, but also too many traffic accidents, injuries and deaths among pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

Our solutions :

  • Road safety (see the videos)
    • Driving assistance: learning an ecological, economical driving.
    • Information for drivers and pedestrians (radio, print media, television, multimedia support, art exhibitions).
    • Assistance to victims of the road (legal assistance, insurance …). -Initiation to the actions that save.
    • Development of cycle paths
  • Research
    • Filing of patents
    • Fund research projects
    • Prototype development and industrialization
  • Environment
    • Adjustment of vehicle engines to reduce pollution
    • Collection of waste caused by vehicles (exploded tires, plastic bags, water bottles …)